Thursday, February 10, 2005


OK, ok....

enough with the pleasantries.

today seems like one of those days where my mind wanders... then is drawn back just long enough to look at what I'm supposed to be doing, giggle, and then return back to wandering.

Focus. Well, in all actuality, my complete lack of focus, is so overwhelming. Even trying to focus on said lack of focus disables my already exhausted ability to focus to the point that I can't even focus on how I can't focus.

I'm tired now.

Less interesting things.

Nothing here's the same with me.

Switchfoot couldn't of described my life any more accurately then they did with that single lyric.

Everyone, and when I say 'everyone', I mean those individuals I come into contact with during the day to day, likes to say that change is good. Apparently change is this ultra beneficial parasite of life. Sure it goes into hiding at times, but no one has a cure for it and you can be sure it's just waiting around the corner, ready to pounce.

Eh. Maybe I'm just sentimental. On occasion I catch a glimpse of fragments of who I was and relief washes over me just knowing that piece has past. But too many times I've recounted some long forgotten trait, a passion, a longing and cursed change for it's interference.



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