Corn what?!?
For those unbelievers, or those not fortunate enough to see it on web cam...
So far I've recieved more 'positive' comments then negative ones.... Which leaves me guessing either I look ok, or my friends know that I have such low self-esteem that they choose not to be completely honest.
The most frequent response I've heard is something along the lines of "Wow... I was expecting you to look like a freakin moron... but you can actually kinda pull off that look..."
Which causes me to ponder... is that a compliment? or well...
Hm. That sounds like those people think you can pull off looking like a freakin' moron.
I think you look hella good.
I used hella. ha!
Yeah, that rules.
Actually that's what I thought they meant too... but I'll continue to tell myself they just phrased it wrong.
I'm substitute principal for the day tommorrow which means I get to dress up in a nice suit... expect more pictures soon.
Y'know, I would've never guessed beforehand, but you actually look pretty sharp! There's no way I could pull off that look :)
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